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  • Syndicat Français des Experts Professionnels en Œuvres d’Art et Objets de Collection

    Les experts


    47 spécialités et plus de 128 professionnels reconnus à votre service


    SFEP – l’indépendance et la compétence depuis 1945

    trouver un expert parmi les 140 membres

    Name City Country Speciality 1 Speciality 2 Speciality 3
    ADELINE Adeline Paris France Old and modern books
    ADER Geoffroy PARIS France Watches
    AMECOURT D' Isabelle de Paris France Haute-Epoque 17th-18th-19th century furniture and objects
    ANSAS Pierre PARIS France Asiatic arts
    AUGUIER Gérard Old painting Old drawings
    AUVERMANN Christoph PARIS France Old and modern books
    BACOT Jacques PARIS France 17th-18th-19th century furniture and objects
    BAYSER Patrick de PARIS France Old drawings 19th century drawings-Modern and contemporary drawings
    BAYSER Augustin de PARIS France Old drawings 19th century drawings-Modern and contemporary drawings
    BERTHELOT Bertrand RENNES France 17th-18th-19th century furniture and objects
    BERTRAND Benoît PARIS FRANCE Haute-Epoque
    BLANCARD DE LÉRY Johanna Paris Asiatic arts
    BODIN Thierry PARIS France Autograph manuscripts
    BONORON Stéphane PARIS France Old vehicles
    BOUCAUD Philippe ABEILHAN France Haute-Epoque Etains anciens
    BOYER Alexandre Posters
    BRAYER Olivier Paris FRANCE 19th century paintings- Modern and contemporary paintings
    BRESSET Isabelle Paris France 17th-18th-19th century furniture and objects
    BRIANO Iacopo GENOVA Italie Paléontologie et Histoire naturelle
    BULEY-URIBE Christina PARIS France 19th century drawings-Modern and contemporary drawings
    CHANOIT Frédérick Paris France 19th century paintings- Modern and contemporary paintings 19th century drawings-Modern and contemporary drawings
    CHANOIT Pauline Paris FRANCE 19th century paintings- Modern and contemporary paintings 19th century drawings-Modern and contemporary drawings 19th century sculptures-Modern and contemporary sculptures
    CHASTEL-MARECHAL Aline PARIS France Art Deco furniture and objects
    CHEVALIER Pierre NEUILLY France Carpets and Tapestries
    CHOMBERT Dominique PARIS France Mode and accessories
    CLAVREUIL Stéphane LONDRES Angleterre Old and modern books Autograph manuscripts
    CLOUET Aymeric de PARIS France Wine
    COLLIGNON Sylvie PARIS France Prints-Engravings (old and modern)
    COMBREXELLE Michaël BOEURS-EN-OTHE France Taxidermie
    CONTE Gérard PARIS France 17th-18th-19th century furniture and objects
    COTTANCEAU Jean-Baptiste Lyon France 17th-18th-19th century furniture and objects
    COULET Romain Paris France Art Deco furniture and objects
    COURVOISIER Dominique PARIS France Old and modern books
    DANIEL Sylvie PARIS France Toys Mode and accessories Textile-Linen
    DAYOT Pierre-François PARIS France 17th-18th-19th century furniture and objects
    DESPRÉ Camille Paris FRANCE Asiatic arts
    DEY Jean-Claude MARNES-LA-COQUETTE France Arms - Decorations
    DING Ting Wine
    DODIER Laurent LE VAL-SAINT-PÈRE France Tribal arts
    DUBOIS Patrice PARIS France Old painting Old drawings 19th century drawings-Modern and contemporary drawings
    DUFOUR Alain SAINT-MAUR France Tribal arts
    EBERWEIN Antonia Paris France Archéologie
    ECOTAIS Emmanuelle de l' PARIS FRANCE Photographie
    EECKHOUT Xavier Paris France 19th century sculptures-Modern and contemporary sculptures
    ETIENNE Simon-Pierre PARIS France 17th-18th-19th century furniture and objects
    FINAZ DE VILLAINE Manuela PARIS France European ceramics
    FLANDRIN Paul-Louis Paris France Jewellery Orfèvrerie ancienne - Argenterie - Objets de vitrine
    FLON Claire Paris France 19th century sculptures-Modern and contemporary sculptures
    FORGEOT Benoît PARIS France Old and modern books
    FROISSART Cyrille PARIS France European ceramics
    FROMANGER Véronique France Jewellery 19th century sculptures-Modern and contemporary sculptures
    GANGLER Bernard MONTROUGE France Mode and accessories
    GHENO Pierre PARIS France Old and modern books Autograph manuscripts
    GOMEZ Dominique Paris France Old and modern books Autograph manuscripts
    GOUVION SAINT-CYR Arnaud de Boulogne-Billancourt France Arms - Decorations Souvenirs historiques
    GRIFFE Didier PARIS France 17th-18th-19th century furniture and objects
    GRIFFE DE MALVAL Amaury PARIS France 17th-18th-19th century furniture and objects
    GUILLON-LAFFAILLE Fanny BOIS-COLOMBES France 19th century drawings-Modern and contemporary drawings 19th century paintings- Modern and contemporary paintings
    HENRY Emmanuel Paris FRANCE Coins
    HOURDÉ Daniel PARIS France Tribal arts
    HUYBRECHTS Willy PARIS France Art Deco furniture and objects
    JEANNEST DE GYVÈS Élodie PARIS FRANCE Haute-Epoque 17th-18th-19th century furniture and objects
    JOSSAUME Alice PARIS France Asiatic arts
    LA VERRIE Hervé de Paris France European ceramics Glassware
    LAAN Naomi PARIS FRANCE Toys Mode and accessories Textile-Linen
    LACROIX Alexandre PARIS France 17th-18th-19th century furniture and objects 19th century sculptures-Modern and contemporary sculptures
    LADRIÈRE Guy PARIS France Haute-Epoque
    LALANDE Jérôme PARIS France Mode and accessories
    LAMORT Anne PARIS France Old and modern books
    LAUVINERIE Constance PARIS France Jewellery
    LEBEAU-DIETERLE Claire PARIS France 19th century paintings- Modern and contemporary paintings
    LEFÉBURE Anne-Charlotte PARIS France 19th century paintings- Modern and contemporary paintings 19th century drawings-Modern and contemporary drawings 19th century sculptures-Modern and contemporary sculptures
    LEMOINE-BOUCHARD Nathalie PARIS France Miniatures Souvenirs historiques
    LENCQUESAING Carl de PARIS France 17th-18th-19th century furniture and objects
    LENCQUESAING Hughes de PARIS France 17th-18th-19th century furniture and objects
    LETOURMY-BORDIER Georgina France Fans
    LÉVY Céline Paris FRANCE 19th century paintings- Modern and contemporary paintings
    LHERMITE-KING Sylvie PARIS France Glassware
    LOEB-LAROCQUE Béatrice PARIS France Maps ans plans
    MAILLARD Alexandre HONFLEUR FRANCE Old and modern books
    MAKET Michel PARIS France 19th century paintings- Modern and contemporary paintings 19th century drawings-Modern and contemporary drawings 19th century sculptures-Modern and contemporary sculptures
    MAKET Raphaël PARIS France 19th century paintings- Modern and contemporary paintings 19th century drawings-Modern and contemporary drawings 19th century sculptures-Modern and contemporary sculptures
    MARCILHAC Amélie PARIS France Art Deco furniture and objects
    MARECHAUX Philippine POITIERS France 19th century paintings- Modern and contemporary paintings 19th century drawings-Modern and contemporary drawings
    MARECHAUX-LAURENTIN Élisabeth PARIS France 19th century paintings- Modern and contemporary paintings 19th century drawings-Modern and contemporary drawings 19th century sculptures-Modern and contemporary sculptures
    MARTIN Guy EYGALIERES France Old and modern books Autograph manuscripts 19th century drawings-Modern and contemporary drawings
    MARTIN DU DAFFOY Cyrille PARIS France Jewellery
    MARTINEZ-PROUTÉ Annie PARIS France Prints-Engravings (old and modern) 19th century drawings-Modern and contemporary drawings Old drawings
    MATHESON Laurie PARIS France Wine
    MAUDUIT Chantal Paris France Old painting
    MAURY Jean-Marc CHATILLON France Art Deco furniture and objects
    MENUET Emmanuelle BOULOGNE France Tribal arts Bijoux ethnographiques
    MEYER Anthony J.P. PARIS France Tribal arts
    MONBRISON Alain de PARIS France Tribal arts
    MOTAIS DE NARBONNE Philippine PARIS France Old painting
    NICOLAS Alain PARIS France Old and modern books Autograph manuscripts
    NIKOLAEVA-TENDIL Ekaterina Paris France Art russe
    NOBLET Marie de Paris France Orfèvrerie ancienne - Argenterie - Objets de vitrine
    OFFENSTADT Patrick NEUILLY France 19th century paintings- Modern and contemporary paintings
    PAGOT Aurélie PARIS France 19th century sculptures-Modern and contemporary sculptures
    PALTHEY Jean-Christophe LAUSANNE Suisse Décorations
    PARSY Thierry PARIS France Coins
    PAVAGEAU Pascale 19th century paintings- Modern and contemporary paintings 19th century drawings-Modern and contemporary drawings
    PAZZIS-CHEVALIER Nicole de PARIS France Carpets and Tapestries
    PEPIN Bruno Paris France Jewellery Orfèvrerie ancienne - Argenterie - Objets de vitrine
    PERONNET Benjamin PARIS France Old drawings
    PERRIN Cécile BORDEAUX France Old and modern books Autograph manuscripts
    PERRIN Nicolas SAINT-CLOUD France Musical instruments
    PETITOT Danyela PARIS France Old and modern books
    PINTA Stéphane PARIS France Old painting
    PORTIER Stephen PARIS France Jewellery Orfèvrerie ancienne - Argenterie - Objets de vitrine
    PROYART Jean-Baptiste de PARIS France Old and modern books Autograph manuscripts
    PROYART Théophile de Paris FRANCE Old and modern books
    RAMPAL Jean-Jacques PARIS France Musical instruments
    RATTON Philippe PARIS France Tribal arts
    RÉA Romain PARIS France Watches
    RICHARD Géraldine PARIS France Watches
    ROCHE Thierry LYON France Art Deco furniture and objects
    ROMAND Antoine PARIS France Photographie
    ROMAND Nicolas PARIS France Prints-Engravings (old and modern)
    ROUDILLON Michel PARIS France Posters Toys
    ROUGE Françoise PARIS France 17th-18th-19th century furniture and objects
    ROUMET Gwenaël Paris France Stamps
    SALIT Jean-Norbert PARIS France Jewellery Orfèvrerie ancienne - Argenterie - Objets de vitrine
    SAMUEL-WEIS Thierry MARSEILLE France 17th-18th-19th century furniture and objects
    SCOGNAMILLO Michel Paris France Old and modern books Autograph manuscripts
    SERRET Philippe Paris France Jewellery Orfèvrerie ancienne - Argenterie - Objets de vitrine
    SEVESTRE-BARBÉ Agnès PARIS France 19th century paintings- Modern and contemporary paintings 19th century drawings-Modern and contemporary drawings 19th century sculptures-Modern and contemporary sculptures
    SIMON Élisabeth PARIS France Orfèvrerie ancienne - Argenterie - Objets de vitrine
    SOUSTIEL Laure Aix-en-Provence France Art Islamique
    TARANTINO Antoine PARIS France Archéologie
    THOMAS ÉMILIE Montrouge France Mode and accessories
    TOCCI-PROUTÉ Sylvie PARIS France Prints-Engravings (old and modern) 19th century drawings-Modern and contemporary drawings Old drawings
    TORRE Fanny Paris FRANCE Art Deco furniture and objects
    TURQUIN Éric PARIS France Old painting
    VALDES-FORAIN Florence LE CHESNAY France 19th century paintings- Modern and contemporary paintings
    VALTAT Julien BAILLARGUES France 19th century paintings- Modern and contemporary paintings
    VANDERMEERSCH Michel PARIS France European ceramics
    VRAIN Jean-Claude PARIS France Old and modern books Autograph manuscripts
    WILMOTTE Harold PARIS France Art Deco furniture and objects